Retrospective 2022 — The year full of experiences..

Vinicius De Paula Machado
12 min readJan 30, 2023


What an year!

In our second year of our second Septennium, 2022 gave us the opportunity to continue honing our vocations, in involvement with even more complex, impactful and very rewarding projects.

Whether due to the relevance of the themes and causes involved, the sophistication in the articulation of strategic parts, the sharing of our methodologies or the formation of new teams of specialists around us, we won ❤

In a year with a polarized scenario, rain of misinformation, World Cup, elections, wars, sensitive socio-environmental issues and a sea of “washings” in the ESG bubble, we can celebrate another season of existence and materializations in 3 dimensions:


The first highlight is diving into various projects aimed at education with a focus on defending the rights of children and young people in vulnerable situations, such as the update of the Roberto Marinho Foundation’s 50-year Vision, the Re Innovation of public engagement strategies and brands in donation culture for Criança Esperança 2022.

In addition to the instrumentalization of new change agents both in the participation in the training of peripheral futurists for Digital Future Insights at the invitation of Fa.vela / Futuros Inclusivos and in the second year of partnership with Sistema B (B Lab Brazil) in conducting the Journey of Multipliers B.


The second dimension to celebrate in 2022 is the internal work in pursuit of institutional coherence, which is crowned with the B Lab recertification, the third certification in the history of Decah, with a high score at a global level of 124.6 points (Best for the World 2023, soon we’ll be there).

Our knowledge of the conceptual universe present in the BIA (B Impact Assessment) and our evolution in the score enables and brings us closer to clients and partners that are increasingly in tune with our purpose, provocations and articulation capabilities in the conquest of new protagonisms and generation of shared value.


And finally, the opportunity to participate in the BUD Participatory Strategic Planning for the 2022 World Cup, one of the biggest sporting events in the world and the biggest IMC of the year for AMBEV.

It was an honor for us to help Budweiser, which is one of the most progressive brands in the Ambev beer portfolio, and which has been developing a close relationship with various territories and cultural tensions that involve diversity, representativeness and a sense of belonging to authentic communities.

This greatly facilitated our collaboration in refining the proposed agenda and methodological curation aligned with the expectations of the desired tactical strategic inputs to enrich the execution briefing for the partner agencies involved (Sharp, Haute, Africa and Octagon)

Decah’s Purpose

The name Decah comes from the Platonic solid Dodecahedron. The fifth platonic solid represents ether, non-matter, so we help make intentions and vocations tangible to generate systemic impact.

Our purpose is to foster collaborative behavior and facilitate open innovation experiences and journeys for our customers and partners in order to promote:

1) The integration of different stakeholders converging objectives;

2) The sharing of methodologies, which empower these agents to continue using the method and rely on communities of practice in its development;

3) The alignment of visions, culture and strategic objectives aimed at developing solutions related to corporate socio-environmental innovation and the adoption of ESG practices;

4) Co-creation of theses and theories of change for Governments, NGOs, Networks and even deinstitutionalization initiatives.

What we did in 2022 (chronologically)

Criança Esperança — Journey of (Re)Innovation

We were invited to lead the (Re)Innovation journey of Criança Esperança (CRIESP), divided into two phases. In the first one, we interviewed some strategic leaders of the project for immersion and also to understand the level of importance of CRIESP within TV Globo, mapping challenges and opportunities for building new strategies of engagement and mobilization of society in defense of children rights and encourage a culture of giving in the country.

We then facilitated a 4-day sprint with representatives from TV Globo’s social value, commercial, marketing and digital content areas, as well as external representatives from Unesco and the Roberto Marinho Foundation.

We also facilitated a second round of participatory diagnostic workshops with Globo’s Commercial Board and Unilever brand representatives to design a customized articulation for a Criança Esperança collab in partnership with Omo.

within the co-creative methodology of colab 3.0 we developed a Mandala between brands and their Strategies, potential types of collaborations and attributes developed and practiced

The 37th Edition of Criança Esperança raised almost R$16mi from the public, in addition to donations from organizations that invested in this solidarity chain. In 2022, the campaign took care of 71 projects from all regions of Brazil with the aim of expanding access to education for children and adolescents.

To learn more about the project.

Participatory Strategic Planning BUD Cup 2022

We were honored to facilitate the participatory strategic planning of the largest AMBEV Integrated Marketing Campaign (IMC) of 2022.

A very interesting challenge, as the World Cup in Qatar had the particularity of being the first after COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, expectations were high and Budweiser had ambitious goals related to sales objectives, the breadth of Promo participation, registrations and sales through Zé Delivery (Ambev’s delivery application), in addition to consolidating itself as a host of incredible experiences and anchoring cultural relevance.

During this journey, we facilitated the hybrid process (face-to-face with digital tools) based on the ethics of care, ensuring quick meetings with psychological safety in one of the most important IMC of the year for Ambev. We support the engagement and inclusion of stakeholders, external partners and Ambev teams, aligning everyone to a common horizon, promoting a culture of co-creation and integrated strategy.

For us at Decah it was an honor to be able to facilitate the Bud family, putting up with the dance.

We celebrated some of the achievements in the World Cup, there were more than 55000 orders in Zé Delivery just in the first hour before Brazil’s debut. The presence of a diverse community of Bud influencers in Qatar in addition to Bud’s presence at BUDX experiences and other partner events.

To learn more about the project, click here.

Updating Roberto Marinho Foundation´s Vision for their 50 years anniversary

Decah had already worked with the Roberto Marinho Foundation in 2020, when we facilitated and improved the pedagogy of digital Brand Position workshops called “Uma Só Globo” with the aim of standardizing the image, positioning and discourse of brands in their ecosystem, where we also had Technology/HUB Digital area, Globonews and Plataforma

Throughout the Journey, we understood that the participatory process needed to take into account: a recap of the institution’s history (temporalize); placing the strategic parts at the center of the process (outsourcing); the promotion of communication/narrative inputs aligned with the dimensions of current action (combine); and the engagement of the teams involved in the alignment of a new common north (internalize), to bring even more legitimacy to the Vision´s update.

collective validation rituals of strategic fronts and fields of action

Commitment to education restructuring in Brazil is extremely necessary, especially in a post-pandemic scenario. For two and a half months, Decah conducted the Journey for the teams to recognize each other, strengthen their bonds of trust and rethink the possible paths for the Roberto Marinho Foundation’s desirable future in the next 50 years.

To learn more about the project, click here.

Training Journey “Sistema B Multipliers”

Following the partnership and the development of the strategic fronts previously mapped in the Participatory Diagnosis on the 2020 Sistema B Brazil Value Proposition, we proactively offer a suggestion for updating and strengthening the training curriculum of the B Lab Multipliers in 2021. An Open Innovation Journey for the instrumentalization and construction of learning in a network with the support of the group, as a community of practice, through the sharing of strategic content from the B/ESG Universe.

We delve into some collaborative processes within Sistema B, in order to contribute to the strengthening of a real ecosystem, since we believe that collective intelligence is the north for a healthy, sustainable and collaborative life.

At Decah, we have specialized in what we call Ecosystem Centered Design. Throughout the formative journey, we seek to live as coherently as possible with the provocations we make to the impact ecosystems in which we are inserted, and to welcome the needs of different parties and trajectories involved in the process.

In this 2nd year, approximately 200 new impact strategists / B multipliers were trained. Who applied new knowledge and shared methodologies to help 30 social businesses spread across the country.

“After more than four months together every week during the formative journey, I can now say that I have become part of this network full of engaged people, which in its broadest differences, found a common purpose: helping businesses to be more sustainable and increase positive impact, making them part of building a more regenerative, equitable and inclusive economic system.”

Yasmin Calandrini, class of 2022

“Last week I concluded the first part of the training journey, a project that fosters people to promote B companies ideas, concepts and methodologies. Decah was very generous in sharing their frameworks and helping us absorb multiple knowledge.”

João Guilherme Brotto, class of 2022

The graduation of the 2022 class took place last December 15th.

To learn more, click here.

New editorial lines

What can we learn from the Kanye West case and how the collabs strategy can help us

In 2022, we launched a new editorial line of collaborative and networked articles. And it was an honor to inaugurate this movement with Carla Purcino, a great Decah partner and an admirable communication specialist for her coherence, competence and for her provocations about the current market. Carla was a fundamental person in the process of identity transition from Carioteca to Decah and also a bridge articulator: it was through her that we were connected with Ambev, a project that enabled Collab 3.0 methodology.

Collab 3.0 methodology applied to Ambev and the evolution of the partnership with Criança Esperança 2022 and Unilever

In this article, Carla reflects on the controversial events of the year involving the multi-artist Kanye West, pointing out a list of attributes that we see as relevant in generating added value with brands.

To read the full article, click here.

The B recertification: a special celebration amid such a chaordic period

The B recertification came as a compromise. Decah has been a certified B Corp since 2015, with the first recertification in 2018 and the second in 2022. We started with 82.2 points in the B Impact Assessment (BIA), still as Carioteca (name of the 1st phase of our company), then we increased it to 93.7 and finally to 126.4.

Decah has been a certified B Corp since 2015, with the first recertification in 2018 and the second in 2022. We started with 82.2 points in the B Impact Assessment (BIA), then we increased it to 93.7 and finally to 126.4.

We understand that the B certification is a commitment to consistency with our purpose and practices in the market. Certification implies the adoption of a culture that generates corporate socio-environmental responsibility and ESG strategies and, therefore, is a parameter for the walk and talk narrative.

To learn more about our impacts, click here.

Digital Future Insights Training Day

I was invited to give a class on the future of work within the training journey of Digital Future Insights, a partnership between Futuros Inclusivos, Fa.vela and Uk Brazil Tech HUB. The program plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge, content, approaches and references that are often accumulated in the hands of a few, thus generating a huge curatorship crisis and lack of representation in the co-creation of multiple futures under the influence of a few and privileged translators and scenario enablers.

To learn more about this journey, click here.


We facilitated a workshop held with representatives from the areas of social value, institutional communication of Águas do Rio and in partnership with Ciclo Arquitetura, inviting community leaders, Leblon residents and others interested in the requalification of the EEE Leblon Águas do Rio.

Inclusive Trilingual Facilitation

Decah continues to mature our internationalization journey of operations and facilitations that involve participants of different nationalities and pluralities in the same session. It started in 2021 in partnership with GIZ to serve Chile’s Transport Secretary. It expands in serving multinational clients such as Valid, where we held a trilingual workshop with representatives from business units in South America, Mexico and Europe. We ended the year facilitating the Americas Open Summit, which brought together different NGOs that mobilize related campaigns and socio-environmental justice, where we hosted dialogues and exchanges of experiences in English, Portuguese and Spanish simultaneously.

Seeds for 2023

1 — JOIAS Open Source

After the first recertification, the world adhered to the lockdown, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. And always committed to honoring SDG 17, which is fully aligned with our Decah purpose, and encourages Partnerships and Means of Implementation, we openly share the ToolKit on Digital Facilitation Methodologies.

We assume and practice the “sharing is caring” mantra. That is, the best value generated is the one that is shared. Where an almost anti-commercial distribution movement ended up becoming our biggest business card and foundation for building reputation when we changed our identity from Carioteca to Decah.

With the second recertification, we will continue in the process of democratizing information / tools and methodologies, sharing the JOIAS (Social and Environmental Impact and Improvement Journeys).

A co-authorial methodology in partnership with Zebu and Céu Azul, which is applied for the co-creation and development of impact strategies and helps in conducting certification leveling processes during the Training Journey of B Multipliers.

In 2023, we will set the methodology to an open source format, in addition to hosting new communities of practice and in-company training with the aim of equipping change agents and supporting the application of the methodology for intrapreneurs and in other businesses and impact projects.

2- Expand and support the development of specialists around the Decah network

In recent years we have been testing more and more different configurations and mixes of different expertise within our projects. Decah is a company that operates in a network based on projects and always supplementing expertise according to the challenges brought by our customers.

In 2023, we want to get closer to young talents who want to develop as impact facilitators / strategists, data visualization specialists and nexalists / researchers.

We have evolved in our percentages of gender and race representation in teams and projects, but we have even greater ambitions. Because, in fact, we believe that diversities are catalysts for innovation and possibilities for real inclusion and impact generation. From the Council to the new generation, we will pay attention to this.

3 — Upcoming Projects

The year 2023 promises to be a year of more concerns about impact: according to data from Google Trends, searches for the term ESG have increased tenfold in the last 2 years, which makes us confident that there will be a lot of opportunity to help new clients and partners to build projects and more mature practices, which will in fact generate business gains, evolution of perceptions about institutional reputation and conquer new roles in ESG agendas, articulating real impact.

And we already have a large project on the horizon for the beginning of 2023, Decah was selected to be the consulting company to conduct the ITAÚ’s Holding Strategic Platform ESG 2023–24.

In this Journey we will help organize and co-create the following points:

  • Reflection on trajectories from the present to the future, inspired by the perception of ESG’s purpose and future;
  • Organize strategic fronts and initiatives that refine and supplement the understanding of the ESG Agenda in the coming years;
  • The involvement of the Business Areas at the center of planning, to accelerate and generate better absorption as articulations, validations and standardization of engagement strategies and ecosystem partnerships are carried out;
  • Alignments and definition of the guidelines for the Itaú ESG Strategic Communication Compass;
  • And sessions of co-creation and supplementation of New Heros ESG Initiatives in the 23/24 cycle.


We wish happy holidays and a new year full of prosperity, health and positive impact to all our customers, partners and enthusiasts of our journey.

This year’s teams, our utmost affection, respect and gratitude. We were human, sagacious and affectionate in an intense and challenging year.

Ju and Ni, from Foi de Propósito, you were a fundamental partnership to expand our communication, organize our flows of sharing experiences and further disseminate our vision of the world.

I felt cared for by you at various times.

To my partner Marcos gratitude for this incredibly epic journey


To my son Thomaz, the one who inspires me to be tireless, determined, attentive but without losing tenderness with the seeds of the future that I came to plant in this life.

I love you, always forward, together ❤



Vinicius De Paula Machado
Vinicius De Paula Machado

Written by Vinicius De Paula Machado

Empreendedor social, sócio fundador da Decah uma empresa B que fomenta comportamento colaborativo para catalisar cultura de inovação social

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